How To Stop Eating Junk Food: The 5-Step Plan To Quit Junk Food
Junk food is unhealthy food that is high in calories from sugar or fat, with little dietary fiber, protein, vitamins, minerals, or other important forms of nutritional value
Step 1Know why you're eating the junk food
The trick is to find out what compels you to eat such foods. A piece of chocolate cake may taste good but what's the real reason you keep on eating this unhealthy food? Ask yourself: Why do you feel hungry when you eat a piece of cake? Why do you feel satisfied after eating a piece of chocolate cake? Ask yourself these questions to solve the problem and gain knowledge on the reasons behind your habit to eat junk food. Step 2Decide to quit junk food permanently So you've decided that you are ready to eat healthy and lose weight? The next step is to stop eating junk food permanently, so you get the desired results. This means cutting junk food out of your diet and quitting it forever.
Step 2 Find a healthier alternative
As shown by numerous studies, substituting the junk food with a healthier alternative improves taste and satisfaction and reduces cravings, which are the primary reasons why people continue to consume unhealthy food. This article lists healthy alternative foods that contain little or no refined sugars, preservatives, or unhealthy fats. For example, bananas and avocados are healthier substitutes for junk food. Bananas are high in fiber and vitamins A, C, and B6. As opposed to a typical French fry, which is composed of refined carbohydrates, bananas are primarily composed of dietary fiber and contain fewer calories. Avocados are healthy fats, full of the polyunsaturated fatty acids EPA and DHA, also known as the heart-healthy fats.
Step 3 Remove the temptation
To stop eating junk food, we need to remove the temptation that it gives us. One of the best ways to do this is to put the junk food in the house room out of reach, or in the cupboard so it is out of sight and out of mind. If we have a microwave in the kitchen, we can put the junk food in the microwave and just microwave it when we need a sweet fix. Simply learn to live without your junk food fix There are ways that we can learn to live without our junk food fix. For instance, our preference for sweets or desserts in our daily diet could be a sign that we are getting too much sugar, and if this becomes too much, we could reduce the amount we eat by eating a high-fiber breakfast or mid-morning snack. Take a look at the nutritional content of the food you eat.
Step 4 Find a healthier routine
Put yourself on a healthy routine and focus on food and exercise that you actually enjoy Create a plate (and stick to it!) Spending 20 minutes or less per day on thinking and snacking about food is still the best thing you can do to get healthy. Get an idea about what is and is not on the plate of your dream meal. The final rule is: avoid thinking about food. We’ve found that counting calories doesn’t work. Step 5Utilize social support The ability to make the difficult decisions that are required of you comes from social support. That means giving yourself the support to eat what is good for you and make smart decisions about your food. Be strict with yourself, but understand that everyone makes mistakes and everyone has weaknesses.
Step 5 Reward yourself
Reward yourself for making a good healthy choice and doing the right thing. Having a piece of chocolate can add up to the calories you need to burn for the rest of the day. When you lose a few pounds, reward yourself with a slice of delicious chocolate cake. This will help you to forget about the missing weight. Step 6Reward yourself Reward yourself for a great day of healthy eating with some me-time. Do something you enjoy and don’t just rely on food for satisfaction. Take a bath, go for a run, read a book or listen to music. It can be as simple as 30-minute exercise and a 10-minute rest. Remember, fitness is key to keeping the weight off. Getty Images Step 7Reward yourself Reward yourself for all the great choices you have made so far.
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